Categories: DIY

10 Diy Skincare Hacks That Could Save You Hundreds!



Skin care routine should be fun for you and not frustrating. It should be something that you. It is, therefore, essential to learning simple, time, effort and money saving steps in the routine. All the same, you need to work on the skin well to have good looks, and you also need to maintain them. All of us care about how good the skin looks. Most of the hacks are simple and cheap. You can do most of them at home and in your bathroom. The hacks make the skin gorgeous and young looking. The hacks are thus money saving for you. Looking gorgeous does not mean spending every penny on makeup and skin care products.

De-grease the Hair with Baby Powder

Sometimes, especially when you wake up in the morning, the hair roots may be greasy. You require using baby powder for the de-greasing process. Use a pinch of baby powder or talcum and rub it on the roots. The powder acts in absorbing of the oil that causes the greasy feel and stickiness

Make Your Dry Shampoo and Leave-in Conditioner

The tip will save you a lot. You can purchase ingredients from the food or health store. Still, you can do from a supermarket. You should then mix the items to make your dry shampoo. If you are going for light colored locks, go for corn starch. If the hair color is a bit dark, you can use cocoa powder. Sweetening can be done using any favorite oil. Adding some drops is enough. After preparation, you can use salt or any spice shaker to shake to the hair roots. You should then brush with the fingers. On the other hand, leave in conditioner is easy to make or prepare. You only need to dilute the conditioner you have in a spray bottle. Dilute using water.

Make your Bronzer

The bronzer will help you to keep your face and body bright and glowing, intend use best moisturizer. You do not have to shop for expensive ones. The homemade one works as well as the one in the stores or local market. You start by combining a tablespoon of cocoa with two of cornstarch. You still need a tablespoon of cinnamon and another of nutmeg. Use a makeup brush to help you dust the face and the skin. Dust all the parts you feel that you require the glow. It helps eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.

Clear Pores with DIY Mask

Clearing the pores on the face is simple. Use a tablespoon of baking soda and mix with juice from an orange. Ensure you get the juice from squeezing a fresh orange. After properly mixing, apply a thick layer of this mixture on your face. You need to allow it to remain in the face for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then ensure that you wash and remove it. It will remove the pores, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Must Watch: Top 5 Homemade Face Masks for Your Skin

Fix Self-tanner Mix-ups

Sometimes, it is possible to find yourself going too strong with self-tanner majorly on the feet, hands, and elbow. You can dial the tan down. Make or prepare a mixture from half a cup of lemon juice, a cup of water and a tablespoon of baking soda. You can use the mixture on the knuckles and the cuticles. It is essential for exfoliating. It also has effects of lightening up the skin. Also, it blotches and gets rid of the brown and black spots on the face and the skin. The hack works well for preventing aging just like Puravol supplement.

Deodorant Helps Prevent the Brutal Blisters

Blisters are more likely on the feet if you wear either new socks or new shoes or even both. The deodorant is essential in plugging up moisture and consequently reducing the friction between the shoe and the socks with the foot. This way, the feet will be free from the blisters that sometimes get painful and irritating. It is essential to swipe the deodorant over the sides and the back of the feet before having the socks or the shoes on. 

Vaseline can prevent Chafing

Chafing can make walking too painful for you. Others may also wonder why you are walking so funny. To avoid the difficulties and the embarrassments, it is essential to apply Vaseline on the lips or the thighs. It will be held in reduction if friction and consequently keeps off chaffing. Also, use most effective wrinkle creams.

Wash your skin with Baby Oil

Everyone wants skin that is beautiful. To have a clean, bright and also glowing skin, try washing it with baby oil. The trick does a good job. The baby oil is soft and gentle on you and leaves you with amazing and cool skin. Just as Puravol, the hack is essential as an anti-aging therapy.

Seal lip glosses with Powder

It will help your lips remain shiny throughout. Also, ensure to be careful and use a liner that is complementary to your gloss and the lip color.

Hand Cream Smooth out Fizzy Hair

Sometimes, things can get messy for the hair. The hair can get wet on humid or rainy days. Use your hand cream or lotion to clean the mess and achieve a better look. 


Skin care routine and makeup can use most of your time and a lot of effort. More so, it could be expensive. Sometimes, it gets you to work late. It is because we care about looks and want to be feeling great. These hacks will help save time and money on skin care. The guide has steps that are easy to do and follow. It is vital, therefore, to use the hacks to save your money, time, and effort.


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About the Author

Katleen Brown is a health, beauty & fitness writer. She loves to publish her articles on various health related websites. In her spare time, she likes to do research and write articles to bring awareness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and outlook, she helps empower women to tune into their innate & inner wisdom to transform their health and truly flourish. Get in touch with her on G+, Pinterest and Twitter.


PHD Research Expert & Blogger in Skincare, Health, Lifestyle!

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