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Nail Art (Design 11)

December 1, 2019

Hi Girls, since I have just started reading “Linda Goodman’s relationship signs”, I got super-impressed with Planetary and cosmic charms. So, I decided to do a planet-influenced nail art design. 🙂

For this, you need to have a blue colored nail-paint, (I used sky-blue kinda cool and summery color), one black nail polish (to add that mystical charm to the design), 😉 nail paints for base coat and top-coat.

Now, I know that many of you would be sooo wishing to learn the art of creating nail-designs and would be dying to try them out on their own hands; but many a times because of scarcity of proper nail-art tools, would have been keeping this idea at hold from so long. Right? So, guess what…. good news is that for this particular nail-art design you don’t need to have any nail-art tool at all.

Start by applying base coat on all nails. Then apply two coats of blue nail-paint.

Take the black nail-paint and draw 3 vertcial lines on all nails with nail-polish brush. One line in the left corner, one on right handside and one in the middle, like | | |. Then fill the gaps with same nail-paint, but draw smaller lines this time. It would make this look such |-|-| kinda shape. Look at the below given pic to have an idea.

Now, take a toothpick or an old pen, and dip it in black nail-paint. Draw tiny 3-4 dots with the help of this on blue area.

Then, by using the same pen/toothpick, place 3 blue colored dots on the backarea. But, don’t over-do it. Just apply 3 dots on 3 lines which are lengthier than the whole black design.

Let it get dry and then apply top-coat. And now you are done with this super-easy cosmic design. 🙂

Hope, you liked it. Believe me it’s really easy. You can change colors, but don’t forget to pick two contrasting colors for this. Few months back when I made this design for the first time, I used light blue and dark blue colored nail-paints and even those were looking uber-cool. So, how did you like it, do leave comments below to let me know your opinions on this. 🙂

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  • PHD Research Expert & Blogger in Skincare, Health, Lifestyle!

Cosmic charmsI loveSneak Peek to My Life


  • gio

    Love it! That blue’s gorgeous!

    • shruti

      Thanks Kevin and Georgia. N yep soon, I would try it with white combo too. 🙂

  • kevin

    This time it’s more cool. I want it with blue and white.

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