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DIY Long Chain Necklace

DIY Long Chain Necklace

March 2, 2020

This is one of the most coolest do-it-yourself tip that I have learnt since ages. When I read first about this on IMBB, I was like OH MY GOSH, it’s such an easy and cheap trick. My goodness, why I was wasting so much money on all those statement neck-pieces when in fact I could have made my own rather easily. So off I went running down to my bedroom and here is what I have come up with. Hope you will enjoy reading it. πŸ™‚

Well, the original post gave an awesome idea of using chains found in clutches/purses which we almost always throw away. I am also having quite a few with me. So, girls if you are also having any old chains from old necklaces or chains which are attached in Indian Festive wear clutches, get them out soon and you too can have brand new chain necklaces right away.

So to begin with, take that chain and then start searching for some cool unused stuff lying around. For instance- old earrings, key-rings, embellishments on your old footwear, handbags, tops etc. The only thing to keep in mind is that they should have some hole kind of thing, so that we can put some small ring/loop in them and then can tie it with our chains.

I started with earrings and key-rings, but then I realized that it would be sooo much easier with a bracelet. I have loads of bracelets, in almost all colors and then bracelets have that tiny clasp to actually hold onto any ring. So, obviously we won’t have to use any separate metal ring to attach it with chain. Plus, you can detach it whenever you want to wear it as an actual bracelet. And you can mix and match the same long chain with every outfit of your choice by going in with different colored bracelets.

In the pic below, you can see other variations with bracelets. And in third design, I have actually used a rubber band which I have never used at all. See, how yummy and glam that necklace looks. πŸ™‚

Well, I hope you like this DIY and in case you try it, don’t forget to share your pics here. You can also post them on FB Fanpage here.

Have a lovely day Girls! πŸ™‚

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